Tag Archives: Top Ten Tuesday

Designer Imposters

top-ten-tuesday.jpgA few years ago, I was sporting a fairly fancy L.L. Bean windbreaker.  My friend asked me how I could afford ‘stuff like that’, knowing that our income was – well, knowing what our income was.  I admitted that I’d found it at Goodwill. She said I was a “Secondhand snob”.  I want the good life, but I don’t want to pay for it.

I’ll own that.

I have compiled a list for you, should you also “want the life’ without paying for it.  Here are some substitutes that are so good; you’ll never miss the original.

  1. Aldi Hazelnut Spread for Nutella.
  2. McDonald’s Mocha Frappé for Starbucks Frappucino*
  3. Happy’s Square Pizza for Jet’s
  4. Meijer Organics for – do I dare say it?? TRADER JOE’S. Oh yes I did.
  5. Douglas J Aveda Institute for somewhere crazy expensive.
  6. Grand Rapids Griffins  games for Redwings games (I may take a little flack for that one…)
  7. This recipe for – rhymes with Wastefully Dimple Nana’s Apple Cake.
  8. Vacation Bible School for camp I have to pay for
  9. Pericoro Romano for Parmesean
  10. Lake Michigan/Saugatuck’s Oval Beach for the cold, salty ocean with creatures that want to sting and/or bite me.

 *Possible parallel move.

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Filed under Top Ten Tuesday